ge211  2021.5.1
A student game engine
Rect< COORDINATE > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Rect< COORDINATE >, including all inherited members.

begin() constRect< COORDINATE >inline
bottom_left() constRect< COORDINATE >inline
bottom_right() constRect< COORDINATE >inline
center() constRect< COORDINATE >inline
Coordinate typedefRect< COORDINATE >
dimensions() constRect< COORDINATE >inline
Dims_type typedefRect< COORDINATE >
end() constRect< COORDINATE >inline
from_bottom_left(Posn_type bl, Dims_type dims)Rect< COORDINATE >inlinestatic
from_bottom_right(Posn_type br, Dims_type dims)Rect< COORDINATE >inlinestatic
from_center(Posn_type center, Dims_type dims)Rect< COORDINATE >inlinestatic
from_top_left(Posn_type tl, Dims_type dims)Rect< COORDINATE >inlinestatic
from_top_right(Posn_type tr, Dims_type dims)Rect< COORDINATE >inlinestatic
heightRect< COORDINATE >
into() constRect< COORDINATE >inline
operator!=(const Rect &that) constRect< COORDINATE >inline
operator==(const Rect &that) constRect< COORDINATE >inline
Posn_type typedefRect< COORDINATE >
Rect(Coordinate x, Coordinate y, Coordinate width, Coordinate height)Rect< COORDINATE >inline
Rect()Rect< COORDINATE >inline
Rect(const Rect< FROM_COORD > &that)Rect< COORDINATE >inlineexplicit
top_left() constRect< COORDINATE >inline
top_right() constRect< COORDINATE >inline
widthRect< COORDINATE >