Module Adaptor

module Adaptor: sig .. end
Line readers and splitters for a variety of file formats. Splitters get raw data from Line.raw and use it to set other line fields.

Each adaptor module typically contains three functions:

type splitter = Line.t -> Line.t 
A function on lines, which typically parses the line and add fields corresponding to the structured information extracted.
type adaptor = Line.t Shtream.t -> Line.t Shtream.t 
A function on line shtreams. In particular, an adaptor maps an Line.t Shtream.t to a Line.t Shtream.t. It also provides reader hints; that is, if the input shtream's reader was selected as a default (rather than by the user), then it may adjust the input shtream's reader.
type fitting_adaptor = unit -> (Line.t -> Line.t) Fitting.t 
An adaptor lifted to be used as a fitting.
val make_adaptor : ?reader:Reader.t -> splitter -> adaptor
Make a shtream adaptor from a reader and a field splitter. The resulting adaptor can provide reader hints to a shtream from which it reads.
module Convert: sig .. end
Conversions for shtream adaptors.
module Delim: sig .. end
Adaptor modules for flexible handling of delimited text files.
module SimpleFlatFile: sig .. end
Adaptor module for simple flat file tables.
module Key_value: sig .. end
Adaptor module for key-value property lists.
module Key_value_section: sig .. end
Adaptor module for key-value property lists with section headings.
module Csv: sig .. end
Adaptor module for comma-separated values files.
module Passwd: sig .. end
Adaptor module for passwd(5) files.
module Group: sig .. end
Adaptor module for group(5) files.
module Fstab: sig .. end
Adaptor module for fstab(5) and mtab(5).
module Stat: sig .. end
Adaptor module for retrieving file status and mode information.
module Ps: sig .. end
Adaptor module for the output of ps auxww.
module Mailcap: sig .. end
Adaptor module for mailcap files (RFC 1524)
module Ssh_config: Key_value_section.S 
Adaptor module for /etc/ssh/ssh_config, etc.
module Etc_aliases: Key_value.S 
Adaptor module for /etc/aliases, etc.
module Etc_hosts: Key_value.S 
Adaptor module for /etc/hosts, etc.
module Ini_file: Key_value_section.S 
Adaptor module for configuration files in the style of php.ini or configuration files on some proprietary operating systems.