Module type AnyShtream.S

module type S = sig .. end
The output signature of the functor AnyShtream.Make. The shtream and coshtream types in the resulting module are compatible with other applications of the functor and with Shtream.

When AnyShtream.Make is applied to a structure Elem (having signature AnyShtream.ELEM), the resulting module knows how to write shtreams of type 'Elem.elem Shtream.t and read shtreams of type Elem.initial Elem.elem Shtream.t. Functions in the resulting module take several optional parameters whose defaults are supplied by Elem:

include Shtream.COMMON
  with type 'a t    = 'a Shtream.t
   and type 'a co_t = 'a Shtream.co_t
The result of AnyShtream.Make contains all the type-indifferent shtream operations from Shtream.
module Elem: AnyShtream.ELEM 
Access to the underlying element type and operations.
type 'a elem = 'a Elem.elem 
Alias for AnyShtream.ELEM.elem
type initial = Elem.initial 
Alias for AnyShtream.ELEM.initial
val elem_reader : Reader.t -> Pervasives.in_channel -> initial elem
Construct an initial elem reader from a record reader. Functions such as AnyShtream.S.of_channel and AnyShtream.S.of_program take a function of the type returned here.
val output : ?channel:Pervasives.out_channel ->
?init:('a elem -> string) ->
?term:('a elem -> string) ->
?show:('a elem -> string) -> 'a elem t -> unit
Write the entire contents of a shtream on a channel. For each element x of the shtream, it prints init x, then show x, and then term x on the channel, and then flushes the channel.
channel : default = stdout
init : default = fun _ -> ""
term : default = fun _ -> "\n"
show : default = Elem.string_of ()
val channel_of : ?procref:Channel.procref ->
?before:(unit -> unit) ->
?after:(unit -> unit) ->
?init:('a elem -> string) ->
?term:('a elem -> string) ->
?show:('a elem -> string) ->
'a elem t -> Pervasives.in_channel
Construct an in_channel from the data in a shtream. If forking a child is necessary (see Shtream.channel_of), then the optional parameter ?before (resp. ?after) is called in the child before (resp. after) printing the shtream; anything printed on stdout by ?before (?after) appears in the resultant in_channel before (after) the shtream data.

The remaining arguments are as for AnyShtream.S.output.

val string_list_of : ?show:('a elem -> string) ->
'a elem t -> string list
Convert a shtream to a list of strings, using ?show.
val string_stream_of : ?show:('a elem -> string) ->
'a elem t -> string Stream.t
Convert a shtream to a standard library Stream.t of strings, using ?show.
val of_channel : ?reader:(Pervasives.in_channel -> initial elem) ->
Pervasives.in_channel -> initial elem t
Read a shtream from a channel, using ?reader.
val of_file : ?reader:(Pervasives.in_channel -> initial elem) ->
string -> initial elem t
Read a shtream from a file, using ?reader.
val of_command : ?procref:Channel.procref ->
?dups:Channel.dup_spec ->
?reader:(Pervasives.in_channel -> initial elem) ->
string -> initial elem t
Read a shtream from the output of a command, using ?reader. If ?procref is given, stash the Proc.t; if ?dups is given, perform the dups in the child process.
val of_program : ?procref:Channel.procref ->
?dups:Channel.dup_spec ->
?reader:(Pervasives.in_channel -> initial elem) ->
?path:bool ->
string ->
?argv0:string -> string list -> initial elem t
Read a shtream from the output of a process, using ?reader. If ?procref is given, stash the Proc.t; if ?dups is given, perform the dups in the child process.
val of_thunk : ?procref:Channel.procref ->
?dups:Channel.dup_spec ->
?reader:(Pervasives.in_channel -> initial elem) ->
(unit -> unit) -> initial elem t
Read a shtream from the output of a thunk, using ?reader. If ?procref is given, stash the Proc.t; if ?dups is given, perform the dups in the child process.
val of_string_list : ?parse:(string -> initial elem) ->
string list -> initial elem t
Construct a shtream from a list of strings, using ?parse.
val of_string_stream : ?parse:(string -> initial elem) ->
string Stream.t -> initial elem t
Construct a shtream from a standard library Stream.t of strings, using ?parse.