Module Line.Group

module Group: sig .. end
Line structure for /etc/group file records.

val name : Line.t -> string
The group name of a group record. (accessor, required)
val set_name : string -> Line.t -> Line.t
Updater for
val passwd : Line.t -> string
The group password name in a group record. (accessor, required)
val set_passwd : string -> Line.t -> Line.t
Updater for Line.Group.passwd
val gid : Line.t -> int
The group id of a group record. (accessor, required)
val set_gid : int -> Line.t -> Line.t
Updater for Line.Group.gid
val users : Line.t -> string list
The usernames of the members of the group. (accessor, required)
val set_users : string list -> Line.t -> Line.t
Updater for Line.Group.users
val create : name:string ->
passwd:string -> gid:int -> users:string list -> Line.t -> Line.t
Add the Line.Group substructure to a line.