module Ps: sig
.. end
Line structure for process status information. See ps(1);
this corresponds to the auxww option.
val user : Line.t -> string
The user running the process. (accessor, required)
val set_user : string -> Line.t -> Line.t
val pid : Line.t -> int
The process's id. (accessor, required)
val set_pid : int -> Line.t -> Line.t
val pcpu : Line.t -> float
CPU usage. (accessor, required)
val set_pcpu : float -> Line.t -> Line.t
val pmem : Line.t -> float
Memory usage. (accessor, required)
val set_pmem : float -> Line.t -> Line.t
val vsz : Line.t -> int
VM size in KB. (accessor, required)
val set_vsz : int -> Line.t -> Line.t
: Line.t -> int
Memory in residence. (accessor, required)
: int -> Line.t -> Line.t
val tt : Line.t -> string
Terminal number of controlling terminal. (accessor, required)
val set_tt : string -> Line.t -> Line.t
val stat : Line.t -> string
Process status. (accessor, required)
val set_stat : string -> Line.t -> Line.t
val started : Line.t -> string
Time the process was started. (accessor, required)
val set_started : string -> Line.t -> Line.t
val time : Line.t -> string
Time the process has been running. (accessor, required)
val set_time : string -> Line.t -> Line.t
val command : Line.t -> string
Complete invocation of the process. (accessor, required)
val set_command : string -> Line.t -> Line.t
val create : user:string ->
pid:int ->
pcpu:float ->
pmem:float ->
vsz:int ->
rss:int ->
tt:string ->
stat:string ->
started:string -> time:string -> command:string -> Line.t -> Line.t
Add the
substructure to a line.