ge211  2021.5.1
A student game engine
Time_point Class Reference

Detailed Description

A point in time.

Time_point values can be compared; they cannot be added, but they can be subtracted to produce Duration values, and they can be shifted by Duration values.

Definition at line 174 of file ge211_time.hxx.

Public Member Functions

 Time_point ()
 Constructs the zero time point (the epoch).
bool operator== (Time_point other) const
 Equality for Time_point.
bool operator!= (Time_point other) const
 Disequality for Time_point.
bool operator< (Time_point other) const
 Is this Time_point earlier than that one?
bool operator<= (Time_point other) const
 Is this Time_point earlier than or equal to that one?
bool operator> (Time_point other) const
 Is this Time_point later than that one?
bool operator>= (Time_point other) const
 Is this Time_point later than or equal to that one?
Duration operator- (Time_point other) const
 Finds the Duration between one Time_point and another.
Time_point operator+ (Duration duration) const
 Offsets a Time_point by adding a Duration.
Time_point operator- (Duration duration) const
 Offsets a Time_point subtracting by a Duration.
Time_pointoperator+= (Duration duration)
 Offsets a Time_point by adding on a Duration.
Time_pointoperator-= (Duration duration)
 Offsets a Time_point subtracting off a Duration.

Static Public Member Functions

static Time_point now ()
 Returns the current time.

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