ge211  2021.5.1
A student game engine
ge211::audio Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

Audio facilities, for playing music and sound effects.

All audio facilities are accessed via the Mixer, which is in turn accessed via the Abstract_game::mixer member function of the Abstract_game class. If the mixer is enabled (it may not beā€”check by calling Mixer::is_enabled), then it can be used to load audio files as Music_tracks and Sound_effects. The former is for playing continuous background music, whereas the latter is for adding sound effects. See the Mixer class documentation for more.


class  Audio_clip
 Common interface to classes that load audio data, Music_track and Sound_effect. More...
class  Mixer
 The entity that coordinates playing all audio tracks. More...
class  Music_track
 A music track, which can be attached to the Mixer and played. More...
class  Sound_effect
 A sound effect track, which can be attached to a Mixer channel and played. More...
class  Sound_effect_handle
 Used to control a Sound_effect after it is started playing on a Mixer. More...