Module Line

module Line: sig .. end
Structured records for line-oriented data.

This module defines a Line.t type, useful to represent line-oriented data with structured content. A Line.t can be thought of as a (extensible) record. It has multiple fields storing the structured data, alongside the raw content of the line, from which they are extracted.

Additionally, a line must contain at least the following fields (see Mandatory fields for more details): raw, show, source, seq, after and before.

type label = ..
Extensible type for field labels.

Field identifiers, or labels, are constructors of the Line.label type, usually of arity zero. Several labels are predefined in this module, and more can be created by extending the Line.label variant type.

For example, one can define labels Foo and Bar using type label += Foo
    | Bar

val add_label_string : label -> string -> unit
When defining a new label, it is expected that a conversion to string is registered for it. It will be used by printers, and can be queried using Line.string_of_label.
val string_of_label : label -> string
Query the string associated with a label. Raises Failure "string_of_label" if such string has not been registered.
module Fields: Hmap.S  with type 'a = label
A heterogeneous map, with keys indexed by Line.label.
exception Field_not_found of label
Exception returned by Fields.get if the queried key is not bound in the map.
type t = Fields.t 
The type of a structured line.

A line is a heterogeneous map, with keys indexed by Line.label, which must contain the fields described in section Mandatory fields.

To create a custom line field foo, one must first define a new label (type label += Foo), then create a corresponding map key (let foo =
    Fields.Key.create Foo

val line : ?after:string -> ?before:string -> string -> t
Construct a line from a string.

after is the trailing delimiter data associated with the line (default = "\n"); before is the leading delimiter data associated with the line (default = "").

val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Mandatory fields

In this section and the ones that follow, we define several line fields. We do not directly expose the Line.labels and Fields.Key.t created, but instead wrapper functions (accessors, updaters).

Fields being mandatory means that the accessors and updaters are guaranteed to never raise Line.Field_not_found.

val raw : t -> string
The raw string data from which a line was constructed.

This should typically not change after a line is created; to change the principal string value of a line, see and (accessor, required)

val set_raw : string -> t -> t
Updater for Line.raw
val show : t -> string
The principal string representation of a line.

Unlike Line.raw above, the value of should reflect the data of concern in a line. Use Line.set_show or to change the value returned by When a line is passed to an external process, is used to get a string to send.

val set_show : string -> t -> t
Choose the principal string value to be returned by
val select : (t -> string) -> t -> t
Choose the principal string value, using a function. sel ln is equivalent to Line.set_show (sel ln) ln.
type source = [ `Command of string
| `Directory of string
| `File of string
| `None
| `Other of string
| `Process of Proc.execspec ]
Type for the source of a line.
val source : t -> source
The source of a line. (accessor, nullable)
val set_source : source -> t -> t
Updater for Line.source
val seq : t -> int
The position of a line in its source. (accessor, nullable)
val set_seq : int -> t -> t
Updater for Line.seq
val after : t -> string
Trailing delimiter data associated with a line (accessor, required, default = "\n")
val set_after : string -> t -> t
Updater for Line.after
val before : t -> string
Leading delimiter data associated with a line (accessor, required, default = "")
val set_before : string -> t -> t
Updater for Line.before

Line structures

Several structures that may be read from a line. If the raw contents of a line matches a structure corresponding to module Foo, Foo.create will parse it and add the corresponding fields to the line.

For every module below, accessors and updaters raise exception Line.Field_not_found when the corresponding field is not present in a line.

module Key_value: sig .. end
Line structure to represent associations of keys with values.
module Delim: sig .. end
Line structure to represent records with delimited fields.
module Passwd: sig .. end
Line structure for /etc/passwd file records.
module Group: sig .. end
Line structure for /etc/group file records.
module Stat: sig .. end
Line structure for file status and mode information.
module Ps: sig .. end
Line structure for process status information.
module Fstab: sig .. end
Line structure for the file system table /etc/fstab records.
module Mailcap: sig .. end
Line structure for mailcap entries.