Module Shtream

module Shtream: sig .. end
Base module for shtreams, an abstraction of producers of typed data.

Shtreams are modeled on the standard library's Stream module, but provide additional features. The main difference is that a shtream is easily converted to and from another kind of data source: an in_channel. A shtream may be constructed from a channel (or a data source such as a command to run) by providing a reader to extract shtream elements from the in_channel. When converting a shtream back to a channel with Shtream.channel_of, if the shtream was constructed from a channel in the first place, that channel is returned, but if some of the shtream construction is happening internally, a child process is spawned to compute the shtream asynchronously.

Operations in this module are all indifferent to the type of elements in the Shtream.t. See modules AnyShtream, LineShtream, and StringShtream for operations specialized on the element type. Most shtream operations are common to all Shtream modules; these may also be found in Shtream.COMMON.

type 'a t 
A shtream with elements of type 'a
type 'a co_t 
A coshtream accepting elements of type 'a
module type COMMON = sig .. end
The signature for operations common to all shtream modules.
include Shtream.COMMON
  with type 'a t    := 'a t
   and type 'a co_t := 'a co_t
This includes the majority of shtream operations.

What remains here in Shtream are functions that do input or output, and thus require reading or writing advice.

Reading and Writing Shtreams

val channel_of : ?procref:Channel.procref ->
?before:(unit -> unit) ->
?after:(unit -> unit) ->
('a -> unit) -> 'a t -> Pervasives.in_channel
Make an in_channel from a Shtream.t. Shtream.channel_of writer s returns an in_channel whose contents correspond to the shtream s. If s is already a channel, it may return that channel (or a copy).

However, if s is internal (made with Shtream.from or involves internal processing, it forks a child process with a pipe from its stdout. The child process calls writer for each element of the shtream, and writer must print that element to stdout. If ?before or ?after is given, those will be called before (or after) iterating the shtream in the child process. If a process if forked and ?procref is given, its Proc.t is saved in the ref.

val of_channel : ?hint:(Reader.raw_line -> 'a) ->
(Pervasives.in_channel -> 'a) -> Pervasives.in_channel -> 'a t
Construct a Shtream.t from a reader and an in_channel. The reader should raise End_of_file to indicate the end of the channel. It can also use shtream_errors. The channel is dup'd for the shtream, which means that closing or duping onto it has no effect on the shtream.

(The optional argument ?hint (default None) is for internal use. It indicates that this reader was a default supplied by another function in the system rather than chosen by the reader, and thus the system remains free to select a different record reader.)

val of_file : ?hint:(Reader.raw_line -> 'a) ->
(Pervasives.in_channel -> 'a) -> string -> 'a t
Construct a Shtream.t from a reader and a filename. The arguments are as for Shtream.of_channel.
val of_command : ?procref:Channel.procref ->
?dups:Channel.dup_spec ->
?hint:(Reader.raw_line -> 'a) ->
(Pervasives.in_channel -> 'a) -> string -> 'a t
Construct a Shtream.t from a reader and an external command. If ?procref is given, stash the child Proc.t; if ?dups is given, perform the dups in the child process. The remaining arguments are as for Shtream.of_channel.
val of_program : ?procref:Channel.procref ->
?dups:Channel.dup_spec ->
?hint:(Reader.raw_line -> 'a) ->
(Pervasives.in_channel -> 'a) ->
?path:bool -> string -> ?argv0:string -> string list -> 'a t
Construct a Shtream.t from a reader and an external program. If ?procref is given, stash the child Proc.t; if ?dups is given, perform the dups in the child process. The remaining arguments are as for Shtream.of_channel.
val of_thunk : ?procref:Channel.procref ->
?dups:Channel.dup_spec ->
?hint:(Reader.raw_line -> 'a) ->
(Pervasives.in_channel -> 'a) -> (unit -> unit) -> 'a t
Construct a Shtream.t from a reader and a thunk. Spawns a child and calls the thunk in the child process. If ?procref is given, stash the child Proc.t; if ?dups is given, perform the dups in the child process. The remaining arguments are as for Shtream.of_channel.