Module Fitting

module Fitting: sig .. end
Fittings represent processes, internal or external, that produce, consume, or transform data. This module provides basic constructors to make fittings out of both external UNIX commands and internal Shtream functions, and fitting combinators that combine fittings in a variety of ways.

This module includes both functions specialized to shtreams of Line.t and a functor for creating a structure specialized for sthreams of other types.

Line Fitting Interface

include FittingSig.S
  with type initial      = LineShtream.initial
   and type 'a elem      = 'a LineShtream.elem
   and type 'a shtream   = 'a LineShtream.t
   and type 'a coshtream = 'a LineShtream.co_t

Functorial Interface

module Make: 
functor (Shtream : AnyShtream.S-> FittingSig.S with type initial = Shtream.initial and type 'a elem = 'a Shtream.elem and type 'a shtream = 'a Shtream.t and type 'a coshtream = 'a Shtream.co_t
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