( %<* ) [Channel.Dup] |
Dup a file descriptor from a
Channel.dup_in_source .
( %>* ) [Channel.Dup] |
Dup a file descriptor from a
Channel.dup_out_source .
( *< ) [Channel.Dup] |
Open a file for reading on a
Channel.gen_in_channel .
( *<% ) [Channel.Dup] |
Dup a
Channel.gen_in_channel from a file descriptor.
( *<& ) [Channel.Dup] |
Dup a
Channel.dup_in_source onto a Channel.gen_in_channel .
( *</ ) [Channel.Dup] |
Dup a
Channel.gen_in_channel from an in_channel .
( *> ) [Channel.Dup] |
Open a file for writing on a
Channel.gen_out_channel .
( *>! ) [Channel.Dup] |
Open a file on a
Channel.gen_out_channel , clobbering.
( *>% ) [Channel.Dup] |
Dup a
Channel.gen_out_channel from a file descriptor.
( *>& ) [Channel.Dup] |
Dup a
Channel.dup_out_source onto a Channel.gen_out_channel .
( *>/ ) [Channel.Dup] |
Dup a
Channel.gen_out_channel from an out_channel .
( *>> ) [Channel.Dup] |
Open a file on a
Channel.gen_out_channel , appending.
( *>>! ) [Channel.Dup] |
Open a file on a
Channel.gen_out_channel , appending, without
( *>? ) [Channel.Dup] |
Open a file on a
Channel.gen_out_channel , without clobbering.
( /<* ) [Channel.Dup] |
Dup an
in_channel from a Channel.dup_in_source .
( />* ) [Channel.Dup] |
Dup an
out_channel from a Channel.dup_out_source .
(!%) [Channel.Dup] |
Get the integer value of an abstract file descriptor.
(%) [Util] |
Function composition
(%<&) [Channel.Dup] |
Dup a file descriptor from another file descriptor.
(%<) [Channel.Dup] |
Open a file for reading on a file descriptor.
(%</) [Channel.Dup] |
Dup a file descriptor from an
in_channel .
(%>!) [Channel.Dup] |
Open a file on a file descriptor, clobbering.
(%>&) [Channel.Dup] |
Dup a file descriptor from another file descriptor.
(%>) [Channel.Dup] |
Open a file for writing on a file descriptor.
(%>/) [Channel.Dup] |
Dup a file descriptor from an
out_channel .
(%>>!) [Channel.Dup] |
Open a file on a file descriptor, appending, without creating.
(%>>) [Channel.Dup] |
Open a file on a file descriptor, appending.
(%>?) [Channel.Dup] |
Open a file on a file descriptor, without clobbering.
(&&^) [FittingSig.S] |
Sequence two fittings, running the second if the first succeeds.
(-|) [FittingSig.S] |
Connect the output of one fitting to the input of another.
(/<%) [Channel.Dup] |
Dup an
in_channel from a file descriptor.
(/<&) [Channel.Dup] |
Dup an
in_channel from another in_channel .
(/<) [Channel.Dup] |
Open a file for reading on an
in_channel .
(/</) [FittingSig.S] |
Redirect some inputs to a fitting.
(/>!) [Channel.Dup] |
Open a file on an
out_channel , clobbering.
(/>%) [Channel.Dup] |
Dup an
out_channel from a file descriptor.
(/>&) [Channel.Dup] |
Dup an
out_channel from another out_channel .
(/>) [Channel.Dup] |
Open a file for writing on an
out_channel .
(/>/) [FittingSig.S] |
Redirect some outputs from a fitting.
(/>>!) [Channel.Dup] |
Open a file on an
out_channel , appending, without
(/>>) [Channel.Dup] |
Open a file on an
out_channel , appending.
(/>?) [Channel.Dup] |
Open a file on an
out_channel , without clobbering.
(^&) [FittingSig.S] |
Run a fitting in the background, ignore its
Proc.t .
(^&=) [FittingSig.S] |
Run a fitting in the background.
(^>>) [FittingSig.S] |
Sequence two fittings, ignoring the exit code of the first.
(^>>=) [FittingSig.S] |
Sequence two fittings, with control.
(||^) [FittingSig.S] |
Sequence two fittings, running the second if the first fails.
(~&&) [FittingSig.S] |
Run a list of fittings in sequence with
FittingSig.S.(&&^) .
(~>>) [FittingSig.S] |
Run a list of fittings in sequence with
FittingSig.S.(^>>) .
(~||) [FittingSig.S] |
Run a list of fittings in sequence with
FittingSig.S.(||^) .
A | |
abort [Abort] |
Abort the current continuation, replacing it with a thunk.
adaptor [Adaptor.Mailcap] |
Adaptor to parse a mailcap file.
adaptor [Adaptor.Ps] |
Map the output of ps(1) into
Line.Ps .
adaptor [Adaptor.Stat] |
Fill in the
Line.Stat line submodule for a shtream of
adaptor [Adaptor.Fstab] |
Adaptor to parse an fstab file.
adaptor [Adaptor.Group] |
Adaptor to parse a group file.
adaptor [Adaptor.Passwd] |
Adaptor to parse a passwd file.
adaptor [Adaptor.Csv] |
Adaptor to split a shtream of CSV lines.
adaptor [Adaptor.Key_value_section.S] |
Adaptor for a custom key-value-section.
adaptor [Adaptor.Key_value_section] |
Adaptor to parse a key-value file with sections.
adaptor [Adaptor.Key_value.S] |
Adaptor for a custom key-value.
adaptor [Adaptor.Key_value] |
Adaptor to parse a key-value file.
adaptor [Adaptor.SimpleFlatFile.S_NAMES] |
Adaptor for a custom flat file adaptor.
adaptor [Adaptor.SimpleFlatFile.S] |
Adaptor for a custom flat file adaptor.
adaptor [Adaptor.SimpleFlatFile] |
Split lines into
Line.Delim .
adaptor [Adaptor.Delim.S_NAMES] |
Adaptor for a custom delim adaptor.
adaptor [Adaptor.Delim.S] |
Adaptor for a custom delim adaptor.
adaptor [Adaptor.Delim] |
Split lines according to the given
Delimited options.
add [WeakPlus.WEAKPLUS] |
Bind a key to a value, replacing any previous value.
add_cleanup [Shtream.COMMON] |
Add advice for closing a shtream.
add_label_string [Line] |
When defining a new label, it is expected that a conversion to string is
registered for it.
add_protection [Shtream.COMMON] |
Add advice to adjust parameters while evaluating a shtream.
after [Line] |
Trailing delimiter data associated with a line (accessor, required, default =
"\n" )
annihilate [Shtream.COMMON] |
Send the contents of a shtream to a coshtream.
annotate [LineShtream] |
Annotate a shtream of lines with source and sequence information.
append [Shtream.COMMON] |
Append two shtreams.
as_bool [Line.Key_value] |
The value of the key-value pair, as a boolean.
as_float [Line.Key_value] |
The value of the key-value pair, as an float.
as_int [Line.Key_value] |
The value of the key-value pair, as an integer.
as_list [Line.Key_value] |
The value, split into a list.
as_string [Line.Key_value] |
The value of the string with interpreted escapes.
atime [Line.Stat] |
The file's atime.
autoreap [Proc] |
Turn on autoreaping of processes.
B | |
b [UsrBin.Test] | Test.b file is true if file exists and is block special.
backquote [UsrBin] |
Run a command and return its output.
before [Line] |
Leading delimiter data associated with a line (accessor, required, default =
"" )
behead [UsrBin] | UsrBin.behead n is a fitting that drops the first n lines of
its input.
behead_while [UsrBin] |
A fitting that deletes lines satisfying a predicate until reaching
one that doesn't.
bits [Line.Stat.Mode] |
The entire mode word, as used by chmod.
blank [Reader] |
Predicate for empty or white space strings.
blanks [Adaptor.SimpleFlatFile.SPEC_NAMES] |
Ignore blank lines if true.
blanks [Adaptor.SimpleFlatFile.SPEC] |
Ignore blank lines if true.
blksize [Line.Stat] |
The preferred block size for efficient I/O with this file.
blocks [Line.Stat] |
The number of 512-byte blocks in the file.
bool_of_elem [FittingSig.S] |
Convert a shtream element to a boolean.
C | |
c [UsrBin.Test] | Test.c file is true if file exists and is character special.
caml [FittingSig.S] |
Delay an OCaml thunk until a fitting is run.
cd [UsrBin] |
Change the current working directory.
channel_of [Shtream] |
Make an
in_channel from a Shtream.t .
channel_of [AnyShtream.S] |
Construct an
in_channel from the data in a
char_of_elem [FittingSig.S] |
Convert a shtream element to a character.
claim [Shtream.COMMON] |
Invalidate a shtream and return a copy.
clobber [Channel] |
The default
Channel.clobber_spec for when Channel.dup2 opens a file for output.
close [Shtream.COMMON] |
Free resources (such as channels) associated with a
close [IVar] |
Close an
IVar without writing.
close_gen [Channel] |
Close a generalized channel.
close_in [Channel] |
Close an input channel.
close_out [Channel] |
Close an output channel.
closedir [Channel] |
Manually close a managed dir handle.
coclose [Shtream.COMMON] |
Indicate the end of a coshtream.
command [Line.Mailcap] |
The command to view files of this type.
command [Line.Ps] |
Complete invocation of the process.
command [FittingSig.S] |
Run an external command as a fitting.
commands [FittingSig.S] |
Run a list of commands, piping the output of each
into the next.
comment [Adaptor.Key_value_section.SPEC] |
Comment line string.
comment [Adaptor.Key_value.SPEC] |
Comment line string.
comments [Adaptor.SimpleFlatFile.SPEC_NAMES] |
Ignore lines starting with this string.
comments [Adaptor.SimpleFlatFile.SPEC] |
Ignore lines starting with this string.
concat_map [Shtream.COMMON] |
Lazily map a function over a shtream, concatenating the results.
conext [Shtream.COMMON] |
Send a value to a coshtream.
conil [Shtream.COMMON] |
Returns the empty coshtream.
cons [Shtream.COMMON] |
Prepend an element to a shtream and return the shtream.
const [Util] |
The K combinator
contains [Reader] |
Predicate for strings containing a given pattern.
content_type [Line.Mailcap] |
The content type to which this mailcap entry applies.
convert [Adaptor.Convert] |
Create a custom conversion.
coshtream_of [Shtream.COMMON] |
Construct a coshtream from a shtream-consuming function.
count [WeakPlus.WEAKPLUS] |
How many keys are present in the table?
create [WeakPlus.WEAKPLUS] |
Create a new, empty hash table with the given initial size.
create [Line.Mailcap] |
Add the
Line.Mailcap substructure to a line.
create [Line.Fstab] |
Add the
Line.Fstab substructure to a line.
create [Line.Ps] |
Add the
Line.Ps substructure to a line.
create [Line.Stat.Mode] |
Add the
Line.Stat.Mode substructure to a line.
create [Line.Stat] |
Add the
Line.Stat substructure to a line.
create [Line.Group] |
Add the
Line.Group substructure to a line.
create [Line.Passwd] |
Add the
Line.Passwd substructure to a line.
create [Line.Delim] |
Add the
Line.Delim substructure to a line.
create [Line.Key_value] |
Add the
Line.Key_value substructure to a line.
create [IVar] |
Create a channel pair
(r, w) .
ctime [Line.Stat] |
The file's ctime.
current_error_handler [Shtream.COMMON] |
Reference containing the shtream error handler.
cut [UsrBin] |
Select a particular field for each line passing through the fitting.
D | |
d [UsrBin.Test] | Test.d file is true if file exists and is a directory.
default [Disposal.DISPOSABLE] |
The default disposal action.
default_options [Delimited] |
The default options.
delim [Adaptor.Key_value_section.SPEC] |
Character to separate the key from the value.
delim [Adaptor.Key_value.SPEC] |
Character to separate the key from the value.
delim [Adaptor.SimpleFlatFile.SPEC_NAMES] |
Split on this delimiter character.
delim [Adaptor.SimpleFlatFile.SPEC] |
Split on this delimiter character.
descr_of_fd [Channel] |
The abstract file descriptor of a concrete integer.
descr_of_gen [Channel] |
Get the
Channel.descr underlying a generalized channel.
dev [Line.Stat] |
The id of the device containing the file.
die_on_errors [Shtream.COMMON] |
Print a warning on
stderr terminate the shtream.
die_silently_on_errors [Shtream.COMMON] |
Just terminate the shtream.
dispose [Disposal.DISPOSAL] |
Manually dispose an object now.
don't_autoreap [Proc] |
Turn off autoreaping of processes.
dump [Line.Fstab] |
Used by dump(8) to determine which filesystem to dump.
dup2 [Channel] |
Copy an underlying file descriptor.
dup_in [Channel] |
Duplicate an
in_channel from an input dup source.
dup_out [Channel] |
Duplicate an
out_channel from an input dup source.
E | |
e [UsrBin.Test] | Test.e file is true if file exists.
echo [UsrBin] |
A fitting to print a string.
ef [UsrBin.Test] | Test.ef f1 f2 is true if files f1 and f2 are the same.
either [Util] |
Projection from the anonymous sum type
elem_of_bool [FittingSig.S] |
Convert a boolean to a shtream element.
elem_of_char [FittingSig.S] |
Convert a character to a shtream element.
elem_of_float [FittingSig.S] |
Convert a float to a shtream element.
elem_of_int [FittingSig.S] |
Convert a integer to a shtream element.
elem_of_string [FittingSig.S] |
Convert a string to a shtream element.
elem_reader [AnyShtream.S] |
Construct an
initial elem reader from a record reader.
empty [Shtream.COMMON] |
() if the shtream is empty.
empty [Reader] |
Predicate for empty strings.
empty [PriorityQueue] |
The empty priority queue.
end_section [Adaptor.Key_value_section.SPEC] |
Patter for recognizing the end of a section.
ends_with [Reader] |
Predicate for strings ending with a given string.
equal [Disposal.DISPOSABLE] |
Identity predicate to associate objects with disposal actions.
exec [Proc] |
Replace the current process image with a command.
exec_program [Proc] |
Replace the current process image with another.
execspec [Proc] |
Constructs an
Proc.execspec , given the same arguments as
Proc.exec_program .
exit_with_status [Proc] |
Exit with the given exit status.
F | |
f [UsrBin.Test] | Test.f file is true if file exists and is a regular file.
fail_with [Shtream.COMMON] |
Indicates that a shtream should terminate with the given error
fd_of_descr [Channel] |
The concrete integer of an abstract file descriptor.
fields [Line.Mailcap] |
Association list of named fields such as print= or compose=.
fields [Line.Delim] |
The fields of a delimited data record (accessor, required, default =
[| |] )
file_system [Line.Fstab] |
The filesystem to mount.
filter [Shtream.COMMON] |
Lazily filter a shtream according to a predicate.
find [WeakPlus.WEAKPLUS] |
Look up a value by a key, raising
Not_found if not found.
find' [WeakPlus.WEAKPLUS] |
Look up a value by a key, returning
None if not found.
find' [Util] |
Find an element in a list.
fitting [Adaptor.Mailcap] |
Fitting for mailcap files.
fitting [Adaptor.Ps] |
Fitting for parsing ps(1) output.
fitting [Adaptor.Stat] |
Fitting for add file metadata.
fitting [Adaptor.Fstab] |
Fitting for fstab files.
fitting [Adaptor.Group] |
Fitting for group files
fitting [Adaptor.Passwd] |
Fitting for passwd files
fitting [Adaptor.Csv] |
Fitting for CSV lines.
fitting [Adaptor.Key_value_section.S] |
Fitting for a custom key-value-section.
fitting [Adaptor.Key_value_section] |
Fitting for key-value files with sections.
fitting [Adaptor.Key_value.S] |
Fitting for a custom key-value.
fitting [Adaptor.Key_value] |
Fitting for key-value files.
fitting [Adaptor.SimpleFlatFile.S_NAMES] |
Fitting for a custom flat file adaptor.
fitting [Adaptor.SimpleFlatFile.S] |
Fitting for a custom flat file adaptor.
fitting [Adaptor.SimpleFlatFile] |
Fitting for simple flat files.
fitting [Adaptor.Delim.S_NAMES] |
Fitting for a custom delim adaptor.
fitting [Adaptor.Delim.S] |
Fitting for a custom delim adaptor.
fitting [Adaptor.Delim] |
Fitting for delimited text files.
flags [Line.Mailcap] |
Mailcap flags such as needsterminal or copiousoutput.
flip [Util] |
Flip the arguments of a function
float_of_elem [FittingSig.S] |
Convert a shtream element to a float.
fold_left [Shtream.COMMON] |
Eagerly fold a function over a shtream.
fold_right [Shtream.COMMON] |
Lazily fold a function over a shtream.
fork [Proc] |
Some t in the parent and None in the child
from [Shtream.COMMON] |
Generate a shtream by repeatedly calling a function.
from_directory [UsrBin] |
Get the filenames in a directory.
from_file [FittingSig.S] |
Produce the contents of a file.
from_gen [FittingSig.S] |
Produce the contents of a
Channel.dup_in_source .
from_low [Shtream.COMMON] |
Generate a shtream from a function, and include a close
from_null [FittingSig.S] |
Produce nothing.
from_shtream [FittingSig.S] |
Produce the contents of a shtream.
fstype [Line.Fstab] |
The filesystem type (accessor, required)
G | |
g [UsrBin.Test] | Test.g file is true if file exists and is set-group-ID.
gecos [Line.Passwd] |
The user's gecos (real name, office, etc.) data in a password
get [Line.Delim] | |
get_float [Line.Delim] | |
get_int [Line.Delim] | |
gid [Line.Stat] |
Group id of the file.
gid [Line.Group] |
The group id of a group record.
gid [Line.Passwd] |
The user's group id in a password record.
go [Flags] | Flags.go spec parses the command-line arguments according to
spec and returns a lookup object.
grep [FittingSig.S] |
Filter the input according to a predicate.
grep_string [FittingSig.S] |
Filter the input according to a string predicate.
H | |
h [UsrBin.Test] | Test.h file is true if file exists and is a symbolic link.
hash [Disposal.DISPOSABLE] |
Hash function for managed objects.
head [UsrBin] | UsrBin.head n is a fitting that only produces the first n
elements of its input.
head_while [UsrBin] |
A fitting that passes through elements satisfying a
predicate until encountering one that doesn't.
hint_reader [Shtream.COMMON] |
Possibly change the channel reader of a shtream.
home [Line.Passwd] |
The user's home directory in a password record.
I | |
id [Util] |
The identity function
ignore_errors [Shtream.COMMON] |
Ignore errors and continue evaluating the shtream.
ignore_if [Reader] |
Ignore raw lines satisfying a string predicate.
inode [Line.Stat] |
The inode of the file.
insert [Shtream.COMMON] |
Prepend an element to a shtream.
insert [PriorityQueue] |
Given a priority and an element, insert into a queue.
int_of_elem [FittingSig.S] |
Convert a shtream element to an integer.
is_child [Proc] |
Is a process a child of the calling process?
is_empty [Shtream.COMMON] |
Is a shtream empty? This may cause one element of the shtream
to be evaluted; for example, it may read an element from a
channel to check for
End_of_file .
is_empty [PriorityQueue] |
Is a priority queue empty?
isatty [UsrBin] |
Is the given file descriptor a tty?
iter [WeakPlus.WEAKPLUS] |
Apply a function to all bindings in a table.
iter [Shtream.COMMON] |
Apply a function to each element of a shtream in turn.
J | |
join_on [Reader] |
Read raw lines with a line continuation character.
junk [Shtream.COMMON] |
Discard the first
n (default 1) elements of a shtream.
K | |
k [UsrBin.Test] | Test.k file is true if file exists and has its sticky bit
key [Line.Key_value] |
The key of a key-value pair.
kill [Proc] |
Send a signal to a process.
kind [Line.Stat] |
The type of the file (regular file, directory, named pipe, etc.).
L | |
line [Line] |
Construct a line from a string.
line_reader [LineShtream] |
Construct a
Line.t reader from a record reader.
lines [Reader] |
Read newline-terminated raw lines.
list_of [Shtream.COMMON] |
Return the contents of a shtream as a list.
ls [UsrBin] |
List a directory, with file metadata.
M | |
make [Reader] |
Construct a reader with a predefined behavior.
make [DepDAG] |
Make a DAG whose goal is a task, given a list of prereqisite DAGs.
make_adaptor [Adaptor] |
Make a shtream adaptor from a reader and a field splitter.
make_par [DepDAG] |
Make a DAG whose goal comprises all the goals in the list.
manage [Disposal.DISPOSAL] |
Request that the garbage collector manage an object.
map [Shtream.COMMON] |
Lazily map a function over the elements of a shtream.
max [Adaptor.SimpleFlatFile.SPEC_NAMES] |
Split into no more fields than this; unlimited if
0 .
max [Adaptor.SimpleFlatFile.SPEC] |
Split into no more fields than this; unlimited if
0 .
maybe [Util] |
Projection from
mem [WeakPlus.WEAKPLUS] |
Is a key present in the table?
mkdir [UsrBin] |
Create a directory.
mkpath [UsrBin] |
Create a directory path, succeeding even if some components
mount_point [Line.Fstab] |
The mount point for the filesystem.
mov2 [Channel] |
Move an underlying file descriptor.
mtime [Line.Stat] |
The file's mtime.
N | |
n [UsrBin.Test] | Test.n str is false if str has length 0, true otherwise.
name [Line.Group] |
The group name of a group record.
name [Line.Passwd] |
The username of a password record.
names [Line.Delim] |
The names of the fields, in order.
names [Adaptor.SimpleFlatFile.SPEC_NAMES] |
The names of the fields, in order.
names [Adaptor.Delim.SPEC_NAMES] |
The names of the fields, in order.
new_splitter [Adaptor.Key_value_section.S] |
Splitter constructor for a custom key-value-section.
next [Shtream.COMMON] |
Return and discard the next element of a shtream.
next' [Shtream.COMMON] |
Return and discard the next element of a shtream.
nil [Shtream.COMMON] |
Return the empty shtream.
nlink [Line.Stat] |
The number of hard links to the file.
npeek [Shtream.COMMON] |
Get the first
n (default 1 ) elements of a shtream.
nt [UsrBin.Test] | Test.nt f1 f2 is true if file f1 is newer than f2 .
null_in [Channel] |
Open a
/dev/null for input.
null_out [Channel] |
Open a
/dev/null for output.
O | |
oapply [Util] |
Application inside
of_channel [Shtream] |
Construct a
Shtream.t from a reader and an in_channel .
of_channel [AnyShtream.S] |
Read a shtream from a channel, using
?reader .
of_command [Shtream] |
Construct a
Shtream.t from a reader and an external command.
of_command [AnyShtream.S] |
Read a shtream from the output of a command, using
?reader .
of_file [Shtream] |
Construct a
Shtream.t from a reader and a filename.
of_file [AnyShtream.S] |
Read a shtream from a file, using
?reader .
of_list [Shtream.COMMON] |
Construct a shtream from the elements of a list.
of_program [Shtream] |
Construct a
Shtream.t from a reader and an external program.
of_program [AnyShtream.S] |
Read a shtream from the output of a process, using
?reader .
of_stream [Shtream.COMMON] |
Convert a standard library
Stream.t to a shtream.
of_string [AnyShtream.ELEM] |
Make a parser of shtream elements.
of_string_list [AnyShtream.S] |
Construct a shtream from a list of strings, using
?parse .
of_string_stream [AnyShtream.S] |
Construct a shtream from a standard
Stream.t of strings, using ?parse .
of_thunk [Shtream] |
Construct a
Shtream.t from a reader and a thunk.
of_thunk [AnyShtream.S] |
Read a shtream from the output of a thunk, using
?reader .
open_command [Channel] |
Spawn a command, opening pipes.
open_command2 [Channel] |
Spawn a command and pipe from its
stdout and stderr .
open_command3 [Channel] |
Spawn a command and pipe its
stdin , stdout , and stderr .
open_command_in [Channel] |
Spawn a command and pipe from its
stdout .
open_command_out [Channel] |
Spawn a command and pipe to its
stdin .
open_file_in [Channel] |
Open a file for input.
open_file_out [Channel] |
Open a file for output.
open_program [Channel] |
Spawn a program with arguments, opening pipes.
open_program2 [Channel] |
Spawn a program and pipe from its
stdout and stderr .
open_program3 [Channel] |
Spawn a program and pipe its
stdin , stdout , and stderr .
open_program_in [Channel] |
Spawn a program and pipe from its
stdout .
open_program_out [Channel] |
Spawn a program and pipe to its
stdin .
open_string_in [Channel] |
Open an
in_channel whose contents is a given string.
open_thunk [Channel] |
Spawn a thunk, opening pipes.
open_thunk2 [Channel] |
Spawn a thunk and pipe from its
stdout and stderr .
open_thunk3 [Channel] |
Spawn a thunk and pipe its
stdin , stdout , and stderr .
open_thunk_in [Channel] |
Spawn a thunk and pipe from its
stdout .
open_thunk_out [Channel] |
Spawn a thunk and pipe to its
stdin .
opendir [Channel] |
Open a managed dir handle.
option_of_exn [Util] |
Map exceptions to
options [Line.Fstab] |
Mount options (e.g.
options [Line.Delim] |
Delimited options with which the record was split (accessor, nullable)
options [Adaptor.Delim.SPEC_NAMES] |
The options to use for splitting into fields.
options [Adaptor.Delim.SPEC] |
The options to use for splitting into fields.
ot [UsrBin.Test] | Test.ot f1 f2 is true if file f1 is older than f2 .
output [Line.Delim] |
Output a delimited text file record using the stored
Delimited.options .
output [AnyShtream.S] |
Write the entire contents of a shtream on a channel.
output_field [Delimited] |
Output a single field, escaped as necessary for CSV.
output_line [Delimited] |
Output a CSV line, including the newline.
P | |
p [UsrBin.Test] | Test.p file is true if file exists and is a named pipe.
par [FittingSig.S] |
Alias for
pass [Line.Fstab] |
Pass on which to mount this filesystem (accessor, required)
passwd [Line.Group] |
The group password name in a group record.
passwd [Line.Passwd] |
The password of a password record.
pcpu [Line.Ps] |
CPU usage.
peek [Shtream.COMMON] |
Get the
n th (default 0 th) element of a shtream.
peek [PriorityQueue] |
Get the minimal value, if there is one.
pid [Line.Ps] |
The process's id.
pid_of_proc [Proc] |
The UNIX process ID associated with
pipe [FittingSig.S] |
Alias for
pmem [Line.Ps] |
Memory usage.
pp [Proc] |
Pretty-printer for
Proc.t .
pp [Line] |
pp_descr [Channel] |
Pretty-printer for
Channel.descr .
pp_in_channel [Channel] |
Pretty-printer for
in_channel .
pp_out_channel [Channel] |
Pretty-printer for
out_channel .
proc_of_pid [Proc] |
Find or create a
Proc.t associated with a UNIX
procs_of_pid [Proc] |
Returns a list of all
Proc.t s with the given process id.
program [FittingSig.S] |
Run an external program as a fitting.
ps [UsrBin] |
Get a information about currently running processes.
pwd [UsrBin] |
Find out the current working directory.
R | |
r [UsrBin.Test] | Test.r file is true if file exists and read permission is
raw [Line] |
The raw string data from which a line was constructed.
raw_of_string [Reader] |
Construct an raw line from its contents.
rdev [Line.Stat] |
Device number of the file (if it's a special file).
read [IVar] |
Read an
'a option from an IVar .
readdir [Channel] |
Read an entry from a managed dir handle.
reader [Delimited] |
The CSV reader.
reader [AnyShtream.ELEM] |
Make a reader of shtream elements.
reader [Adaptor.Mailcap] |
Read mailcap file raw lines.
reader [Adaptor.Ps] |
Read ps(1) output lines.
reader [Adaptor.Stat] |
Reader for a newline-separated list of filenames.
reader [Adaptor.Fstab] |
Reader for an fstab file.
reader [Adaptor.Group] |
Reader for a group file.
reader [Adaptor.Passwd] |
Reader for a passwd file.
reader [Adaptor.Csv] |
Read CSV raw lines, including quoting and embedded newlines.
reader [Adaptor.Key_value_section.S] |
Reader for a custom key-value-section.
reader [Adaptor.Key_value_section] |
Read key-value raw lines.
reader [Adaptor.Key_value.S] |
Reader for a custom key-value.
reader [Adaptor.Key_value] |
Read key-value raw lines.
reader [Adaptor.SimpleFlatFile.S_NAMES] |
Reader for a custom flat file adaptor.
reader [Adaptor.SimpleFlatFile.S] |
Reader for a custom flat file adaptor.
reader [Adaptor.SimpleFlatFile] |
Raw line reader for simple flat files.
reader [Adaptor.Delim.S_NAMES] |
Reader for a custom delim adaptor.
reader [Adaptor.Delim.S] |
Reader for a custom delim adaptor.
reader [Adaptor.Delim] |
Read raw lines according to the given
Delimited options.
redirect_in [FittingSig.S] |
Alias for
redirect_out [FittingSig.S] |
Alias for
register [Disposal.DISPOSAL] |
Register a disposal function for a particular object.
remove [WeakPlus.WEAKPLUS] |
Remove a key-value association.
remove_min [PriorityQueue] |
Remove the minimal element and return the remaining queue.
renumber [UsrBin] |
Update the sequence numbers in the lines passing through the pipeline
to reflect the current sequence.
resize [WeakPlus.WEAKPLUS] |
Resize a hash table.
rewinddir [Channel] |
Rewind a managed dir handle.
rgrp [Line.Stat.Mode] |
File is readable by group.
roth [Line.Stat.Mode] |
File is readable by everyone.
rss [Line.Ps] |
Memory in residence.
run [FittingSig.S] |
Run a fitting in the foreground, returning its exit status.
run [DepDAG] |
Run a DAG with the specified parallelism.
run_backquote [FittingSig.S] |
Run a fitting, returning its output collected as a string.
run_bg [FittingSig.S] |
Run a fitting in the background, returning its
Proc.t .
run_in [FittingSig.S] |
Run a fitting, returning its output as an
in_channel .
run_list [FittingSig.S] |
Run a fitting, returning its output as a list.
run_out [FittingSig.S] |
Run a fitting, returning its input as an
out_channel .
run_shtream [FittingSig.S] |
Transform a fitting into a shtream transformer.
run_sink [FittingSig.S] |
Run a fitting, returning a costhream connected to its input.
run_source [FittingSig.S] |
Run a fitting, returning its output as a shtream.
rusr [Line.Stat.Mode] |
File is readable by owner.
S | |
s [UsrBin.Test] | Test.s file is true if file exists and is non-empty.
section [Line.Key_value] |
The section in a key-value file.
section [Adaptor.Key_value_section.SPEC] |
Pattern for recognizing sections.
sed [FittingSig.S] |
Map each element according to a function.
sed_string [FittingSig.S] |
FittingSig.S.sed with a lift from strings.
select [Line] |
Choose the principal string value, using a function.
seq [Line] |
The position of a line in its source.
seq [FittingSig.S] |
Alias for
set_abort [Abort] |
Set the abort handler if none is set.
set_after [Line] |
Updater for
set_atime [Line.Stat] |
Updater for
set_before [Line] |
Updater for
set_bits [Line.Stat.Mode] |
Updater for
set_blksize [Line.Stat] |
Updater for
set_blocks [Line.Stat] |
Updater for
set_command [Line.Mailcap] |
Updater for
set_command [Line.Ps] |
Updater for
set_content_type [Line.Mailcap] |
Updater for
set_ctime [Line.Stat] |
Updater for
set_dev [Line.Stat] |
Updater for
set_dump [Line.Fstab] |
Updater for
set_fields [Line.Mailcap] |
Updater for
set_fields [Line.Delim] |
Updater for
set_file_system [Line.Fstab] |
Updater for
set_flags [Line.Mailcap] |
Updater for
set_fstype [Line.Fstab] |
Updater for
set_gecos [Line.Passwd] |
Updater for
set_gid [Line.Stat] |
Updater for
set_gid [Line.Group] |
Updater for
set_gid [Line.Passwd] |
Updater for
set_home [Line.Passwd] |
Updater for
set_inode [Line.Stat] |
Updater for
set_key [Line.Key_value] |
Updater for
set_kind [Line.Stat] |
Updater for
set_mount_point [Line.Fstab] |
Updater for
set_mtime [Line.Stat] |
Updater for
set_name [Line.Group] |
Updater for
set_name [Line.Passwd] |
Updater for
set_names [Line.Delim] |
Updater for
set_nlink [Line.Stat] |
Updater for
set_options [Line.Fstab] |
Updater for
set_options [Line.Delim] |
Updater for
set_pass [Line.Fstab] |
Updater for
set_passwd [Line.Group] |
Updater for
set_passwd [Line.Passwd] |
Updater for
set_pcpu [Line.Ps] |
Updater for
set_pid [Line.Ps] |
Updater for
set_pmem [Line.Ps] |
Updater for
set_raw [Line] |
Updater for
set_rdev [Line.Stat] |
Updater for
set_reader [Shtream.COMMON] |
Change the channel reader of a shtream.
set_rgrp [Line.Stat.Mode] |
Updater for
set_roth [Line.Stat.Mode] |
Updater for
set_rss [Line.Ps] |
Updater for
set_rusr [Line.Stat.Mode] |
Updater for
set_section [Line.Key_value] |
Updater for
set_seq [Line] |
Updater for
set_sgid [Line.Stat.Mode] |
Updater for
set_shell [Line.Passwd] |
Updater for
set_show [Line] |
Choose the principal string value to be returned by
Line.show .
set_size [Line.Stat] |
Updater for
set_source [Line] |
Updater for
set_started [Line.Ps] |
Updater for
set_stat [UsrBin] |
Add file metadata to a
line .
set_stat [Line.Ps] |
Updater for
set_sticky [Line.Stat.Mode] |
Updater for
set_suid [Line.Stat.Mode] |
Updater for
set_time [Line.Ps] |
Updater for
set_tt [Line.Ps] |
Updater for
set_uid [Line.Stat] |
Updater for
set_uid [Line.Passwd] |
Updater for
set_user [Line.Ps] |
Updater for
set_users [Line.Group] |
Updater for
set_value [Line.Key_value] |
Updater for
set_vsz [Line.Ps] |
Updater for
set_wgrp [Line.Stat.Mode] |
Updater for
set_woth [Line.Stat.Mode] |
Updater for
set_wusr [Line.Stat.Mode] |
Updater for
set_xgrp [Line.Stat.Mode] |
Updater for
set_xoth [Line.Stat.Mode] |
Updater for
set_xusr [Line.Stat.Mode] |
Updater for
sgid [Line.Stat.Mode] |
File has set-group-id bit set.
shell [Line.Passwd] |
The user's shell in a password record.
show [Line] |
The principal string representation of a line.
signal_protect [Signal] |
Call a thunk while delivering signals as exceptions.
size [Line.Stat] |
Size of the file in bytes.
sleep [UsrBin] |
Sleep for the given number of seconds.
sort [UsrBin] |
Sort the lines coming into the fitting.
source [Line] |
The source of a line.
spawn [Proc] |
Run a thunk in a subprocess, returning its
Proc.t .
splitter [Delimited] |
The CSV splitter.
splitter [Adaptor.Mailcap] |
Split mailcap file lines and fill in
Line.Mailcap .
splitter [Adaptor.Ps] |
Split a ps line into
Line.Ps .
splitter [Adaptor.Stat] | |
splitter [Adaptor.Fstab] |
Split an fstab file line.
splitter [Adaptor.Group] |
Split a group file line.
splitter [Adaptor.Passwd] |
Split a passwd file line.
splitter [Adaptor.Csv] |
Split a CSV line into fields.
splitter [Adaptor.Key_value_section] |
Split key-value lines with sections and fill in
Line.Key_value , including Line.Key_value.section .
splitter [Adaptor.Key_value.S] |
Splitter for a custom key-value.
splitter [Adaptor.Key_value] |
Split key-value file lines and fill in
Line.Key_value .
splitter [Adaptor.SimpleFlatFile.S_NAMES] |
Splitter for a custom flat file adaptor.
splitter [Adaptor.SimpleFlatFile.S] |
Splitter for a custom flat file adaptor.
splitter [Adaptor.SimpleFlatFile] |
Split a simple flat files line.
splitter [Adaptor.Delim.S_NAMES] |
Splitter for a custom delim adaptor.
splitter [Adaptor.Delim.S] |
Splitter for a custom delim adaptor.
splitter [Adaptor.Delim] |
Split one line according to the given
Delimited options.
started [Line.Ps] |
Time the process was started.
starts_with [Reader] |
Predicate for strings starting with a given string.
stat [UsrBin] |
Get file metadata for one file.
stat [Line.Ps] |
Process status.
status [Shtream.COMMON] |
Retrieve the termination status of an exhausted shtream.
status_of_proc [Proc] |
Retrieve the status of a process if it has exited; non-blocking.
sticky [Line.Stat.Mode] |
File has sticky bit set.
stream_of [Shtream.COMMON] |
Convert a shtream to a standard library
Stream.t .
string_list_of [AnyShtream.S] |
Convert a shtream to a list of strings, using
?show .
string_of [AnyShtream.ELEM] |
Make a convertor of shtream elements to strings.
string_of_channel [Channel] |
Read the entire contents a channel into a string.
string_of_command [Channel] |
Collect the output of a command as a string.
string_of_elem [FittingSig.S] |
Convert a shtream element to a string.
string_of_label [Line] |
Query the string associated with a label.
string_of_program [Channel] |
Collect the output of a program as a string.
string_stream_of [AnyShtream.S] |
Convert a shtream to a standard library
Stream.t of
strings, using ?show .
suid [Line.Stat.Mode] |
File has set-user-id bit set.
system [Proc] |
Run a command and wait for it to exit.
system_program [Proc] |
Run a program with arguments and wait for it to exit.
T | |
t [UsrBin.Test] | Test.u n is true if n is a tty file descriptor.
test [UsrBin.Test] |
Evaluate a more elaborate
UsrBin.Test expression.
tfile [UsrBin.Test] | Test.u file is true if file is readable and is a tty.
thunk [FittingSig.S] |
Run a thunk as a fitting.
time [Line.Ps] |
Time the process has been running.
to_coshtream [FittingSig.S] |
Redirect output to a coshtream.
to_file [FittingSig.S] |
Redirect standard output to a file.
to_float [Adaptor.Convert] |
Convert a string to a float, with shtream warning on failure.
to_gen [FittingSig.S] |
Redirect standard output to
Channel.dup_out_source .
to_int [Adaptor.Convert] |
Convert a string to an integer, with shtream warning on failure.
to_null [FittingSig.S] |
Redirect standard output nowhere.
to_stderr [FittingSig.S] |
Redirect standard output to standard error.
trans [FittingSig.S] |
Transform the input according to a function on shtreams.
try_again [Shtream.COMMON] |
Indicates that the generating function cannot produce a value
tt [Line.Ps] |
Terminal number of controlling terminal.
U | |
u [UsrBin.Test] | Test.u file is true if file exists and is set-user-ID.
uid [Line.Stat] |
User id of the owner of the file.
uid [Line.Passwd] |
The user's id in a password record.
uniq [UsrBin] |
Remove (adjacent) duplicate lines from the fitting's input.
unwind_protect [Util] |
Call a thunk and then run cleanup code.
user [Line.Ps] |
The user running the process.
users [Line.Group] |
The usernames of the members of the group.
V | |
value [Line.Key_value] |
The value of a key-value pair.
version [Version] |
The current version number.
version_name [Version] |
The current version name.
vfork [Proc] |
Run a command asynchonously.
vfork_program [Proc] |
Run a program asynchonously.
vsz [Line.Ps] |
VM size in KB.
W | |
w [UsrBin.Test] | Test.w file is true if file exists and write permission is
wait [Proc] | Proc.wait proc performs a blocking wait on proc ;
if the child has already exited, it returns immediately.
wait_any [Proc] |
Given a list of
Proc.t s, return any one of them that has exited.
warn [Shtream.COMMON] |
Indicates that the generating function has encountered a
warn_on_errors [Shtream.COMMON] |
Print a warning on
stderr and continue evaluating the shtream.
wgrp [Line.Stat.Mode] |
File is writeable by group.
while_none [Util] |
Loop until a thunk returns
Some v .
with_dups [Channel] |
Perform redirections before a thunk and reverse them afterward.
with_execspec [Proc] |
Call a function with a given
Proc.execspec .
with_interprocess_protect [IVar] |
Relay exceptions from a subprocess.
with_interprocess_raise_and_okay [IVar] |
Relay exceptions from another process.
with_out_string [Channel] |
Collect the output of a thunk in a string.
woth [Line.Stat.Mode] |
File is writeable by everyone.
write [IVar] |
Write to an
IVar .
wusr [Line.Stat.Mode] |
File is writeable by owner.
X | |
x [UsrBin.Test] | Test.x file is true if file exists and execute permission is
xgrp [Line.Stat.Mode] |
File is executable by group.
xoth [Line.Stat.Mode] |
File is executable by everyone.
xusr [Line.Stat.Mode] |
File is executable by owner.
Y | |
yield [FittingSig.S] |
Produces a fitting that returns the given exit code.
Z | |
z [UsrBin.Test] | Test.z str is true if str has length 0, false otherwise.