ge211  2021.5.1
A student game engine
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 Nge211The game engine namespace
 NaudioAudio facilities, for playing music and sound effects
 CAudio_clipCommon interface to classes that load audio data, Music_track and Sound_effect
 CMixerThe entity that coordinates playing all audio tracks
 CMusic_trackA music track, which can be attached to the Mixer and played
 CSound_effectA sound effect track, which can be attached to a Mixer channel and played
 CSound_effect_handleUsed to control a Sound_effect after it is started playing on a Mixer
 NeventsTypes for representing mouse and keyboard events
 CKeyRepresents a key on the keyboard
 NexceptionsAn exception hierarchy for ge211 to report errors
 CClient_logic_errorAn exception that indicates that a logic error was performed by the client
 CEnvironment_errorIndicates that an error was encountered by the game engine or in the client's environment
 CException_baseThe root of the ge211 exception hierarchy
 CFile_errorIndicates an error opening a file
 CFont_errorIndicates an error loading a font front an already-open file
 CGe211_logic_errorIndicates a condition unexpected by ge211, that appears to break its invariants
 CHost_errorIndicates an exception from the host environment being passed along by ge211
 CImage_errorIndicates an error loading an image from an already-open file
 CLate_paint_errorThrown by member functions of internal::Render_sprite when the sprite has already been rendered to the screen and can no longer be modified
 CMixer_errorIndicates an error in the mixer, which could include the inability to understand an audio file format
 CSession_needed_errorAn exception thrown when the client attempts to perform an action that requires a GE211 session before GE211 starts
 NgeometryGeometric objects and their operations
 CDimsRepresents the dimensions of an object, or more generally, the displacement between two Posns
 Corigin_typeThe type of the special value the_origin
 CPosnA position in the COORDINATE-valued Cartesian plane, where COORDINATE can be any arithmetic type
 CRectRepresents a positioned rectangle
 CiteratorAn iterator over the Posn<COORDINATE>s of a Rect<COORDINATE>
 CTransformA rendering transformation, which can scale, flip, and rotate
 NinternalInternal facilities that you might want to use if you're doing something fancy
 NloggingFacilities for logging to the console
 CLog_messageA Log_message accumulates information and then prints it all at once when it's about to be destroyed
 CLoggerRight now a Logger just keeps track of the current log level
 CRender_spriteA Render_sprite works by allowing its derived classes to render themselves pixel-by-pixel onto an SDL_Surface
 NspritesSprites are images that can be rendered to the screen
 CCircle_spriteA Sprite that renders as a solid circle
 CImage_spriteA Sprite that displays a bitmap image
 CMultiplexed_spriteA Sprite that allows switching between other sprites based on the time at rendering
 CRectangle_spriteA Sprite that renders as a solid rectangle
 CSpriteA sprite is an image that knows how to render itself to the screen at a given location, under a particular transformation
 CText_spriteA Sprite that displays text
 CBuilderBuilder-style API for configuring and constructing Text_sprites
 NtimeTypes for representing time and timers
 CDurationA length of time
 CPausable_timerA class for timing intervals while supporting pausing
 CTime_pointA point in time
 CTimerA class for timing intervals. The result is a Duration
 CAbstract_gameThis is the abstract base class for deriving games
 CColorFor representing colors
 CHSLARepresentation for the hue-saturation-lightness-alpha color model
 CHSVARepresentation for the hue-saturation-value-alpha color model
 CFontRepresents a font that can be used to render a sprites::Text_sprite
 CRandom_sourceA generic class for generating pseudorandom numbers in uniform distribution over a specified range
 CSprite_setA collection of positioned Sprites ready to be rendered to the screen
 Cunbounded_typeThe type of special tag value unbounded
 CWindowProvides access to the game window and its properties
 Chash< ge211::Posn< COORDINATE > >Template specialization to define hashing of ge211::geometry::Posns, which allows storing them as members of an std::unordered_set or as keys of an std::unordered_map